Obsidian offers a great sync subscription at a relatively cheap price ($4/month) that works OOTB. However, it might not fit everyone’s use case. For me, I already have a cloud storage provider and don’t store large files in obsidian which means I will never even come close to the 4GB of storage included in the package.

Why use Git?

As this is an honest review, comparatively speaking “Syncthing” [1] is probably a better synchronization solution for most personal use cases. As for me, I like the ability to self-host my Obsidian notes on this website, and I like to have a place where I can easily track changes I have made over time. Those are the primary reasons why I personally use Git.

Additionally, Git can be great for users who wish to collaborate on a “vault” of notes as it offers detailed insights in the changes made by each user. And solving merge conflicts is in my opinion the best solution for conflicting changes. A glaring issue in many collaboration events across companies and communities.

Setting up Git on your computer

  • If Git is not already installed on your computer, you can grab the installer for your operating system from here. After that, create a free account on GitHub and note down your username and email.
  • Open up your desired terminal and enter the following commands:
$ git config --global user.name "<Your username>"
$ git config --global user.email <Your Email>
  • As of 2022, using git via HTTPS is deprecated and you should definitely use SSH instead. Follow this guide to set up an ssh key on your operating system.